Welcome to the Music Catalog of

Richard Wayne Corrie


Since 2019 Richard has released 6 new albums and is currently working on Album 7


Click on an image below to listen to all full tracks of each album


Miracles of the Heart

1. Maestro of the Infinite
2. Miracles of the Heart
3. Exotica

Miracles of the Heart

Miracles of the Heart
4. Spirit Rising
5. Winds of Destiny
6. Eyes of the Soul
7. Iridescent Visions



1. Maestro of the Infinite album: all instrumental


2. Miracles of the Heart album: many songs with lyrics and female vocals and some backup vocals by Richard and luscious instrumentals


3. Exotica album: many songs with lyrics and female vocals and some backup vocals by Richard and luscious instrumentals.


4. Spirit Rising album: many songs with lyrics and female vocals and some backup vocals by Richard and luscious instrumentals. Includes two Arabic songs and one Japanese theme song with beautiful flute.


5. Winds of Destiny album: Featuring 8 songs with lyrics. Lush world spiritual theme songs.


6. Eyes of the Soul album: Three songs with lyrics. Includes one Arabic theme song and two Japanese theme songs with beautiful flute. Two songs with expressive operatic style voices with epic instrumentals. Lush world spiritual theme songs. One western desert theme song with slide guitar and trumpet.

7. Iridescent Visions album: 1 song with lyrics with sweet trumpet. Many lush world spiritual theme songs. One western desert theme song with slide guitar and trumpet. Many songs with soaring electric guitars.




For those interested in learning about Richard's musical journey


Read Music Bio





Copyright 2022 by Richard Wayne Corrie